An Empty Haiku

debate the word, “BAN”

the most disturbing label?

Muslims = bad people


Words and Photography ©2017 Tanya Cliff ~ to contact me

Posted in haiku & poetry. Bookmark the permalink.

Posted in response to this Tweet: “Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country!” Donald J. Trump, Feb. 1, 2017 on Twitter

35 thoughts on “An Empty Haiku

  1. And in the hot mix of all of this two important (at least in my estimation) questions arise: 1) How many terrorist attacks have occurred on our soil over the past eight years? 2) What are the statistics on crimes committed by refugees? We don’t really hear these two questions being asked (at least I haven’t) but the answers would tell us an awful lot about just how needless the POTUS exec order was/is! (IMHO) 🙂

    1. How many “bad people” were born and raised in America and currently reside here? Hot mix is right, Jonathan. These are crazy days…Thanks for weighing in on it.

      1. You’re certainly welcome, and you make a good point! I wonder how many countries would like to ban some of our own people from their soil? Which brings another question to mind: In our country, what are the crime stats like in/among Muslim peoples and communities? My bet is that crime rates are actually very, very low!

      2. You don’t ban an entire people group to “protect” yourself from a few. Far, far more people in the US are going to die this next year from domestic and drug related violence than terrorism. Fear mongering is a weapon, and Trump is using it.

      3. Thank you, Jonathan! It means a lot to have your encouragement. This is a battle we must fight for the sake of all our neighbors…

  2. That struck me, too. About the “I didn’t say ban stuff,” news agencies are showing the use of the word “ban” multiple times. He obviously does not care that we can check things. The Muslim comment is not good.

    Here is one I do not like. To me it is “bad” when a man with great means refuses to pay contractors doing work for him because he likes to say they did bad work. These contractors either take their losses and never work for him again, agree to a smaller amount, sue him and get countersued, and/ or declare bankruptcy.

    When someone asked an attorney about the bad work claims, the attorney said the man used it regularly. Interestingly, he stiffed some of his attorneys, too. This is all unfortunately true, but the man’s followers seemed not to care they voted for someone who routinely screwed people over just like them.

    1. And then there was the pyramid of Trump University…
      We must keep speaking out. There is always a game of moving the focus to the wrong thing. The focus here is racism, fear and greed…
      Thanks so much, Keith! All great comments….

      1. Merci beaucoup. Trump U is a microcosm of his misrepresentation. To me, a lightning rod decision of his was to create a mortgage company in the middle of the housing crisis. He was forewarned not to do it, but he did and of course it failed. This was his business and he made a horrible decision because his ego would not allow him to listen to folks who said don’t do it. To me this shows how his ego and poor decision-making will get us in trouble and already has.

      2. How much of a success is a man if he was born with $200+ million in his hands? We value the wrong things. Trump has taken advantage of those wrong things his entire life and is now leading this country…the hypocrisy of our time is staggering.

  3. When he a six old boy, living in Queens, NY, his father would take him on Sundays to collect the rent, and his father would treat the tenants like shit. His father brought him up, by having him watch the disgusting ways, he treated the people..

  4. Tanya…I haven’t been ignoring you. I just am not the kind to get in the middle of political turmoil. I don’t agree with all that Mr. Trump is doing, but I don’t like the “picking apart” of everything to do with him either. I appreciate your feelings, and I support your right to express them. I just can’t be a part of it all with full force.

    I gave you a like on this one because I don’t like the way in which this “ban” (or whatever) was put into place! Even Paul Ryan said it was handled with some blunder!


    1. Steve, my friend, I don’t take offense to it in any form. We each have our particular callings and passions. It’s important that they aren’t the same. I’ve been touched by discrimination in the past in different ways, so it is topic that moves me. It isn’t really about Trump but the kind of attitudes that give a pass to his obvious greed and hypocrisy…
      You don’t need to explain. You have my undying friendship no matter what!

      1. Thank you for the answer, which is so well put! And our friendship here is not in any jeopardy whatsoever. I appreciate you taking the time to explain your views. I stand with you against hypocrisy and greed, that is for certain!

  5. Very interesting… But, you know this narrow view of people exists in many countries, It is just that we get to know more of what is happening in the US, because of Mr Trump

    A film maker in India was bashed because he was making a film on an alleged affair between a Muslim ruler of Delhi and and a Hindu Rajput princess, and the people thought that the film maker should not depict her in a bad light.

    The Muslim ruler was cruel- but so were most rulers of the times. Apart from that, he was known to be a very good administrator. The princess is a lady I had never heard off.

    The events – affair – took place 800 years ago…. But…. you cannot touch Hindus!! We are tooooo pure!

    1. Yes, bigotry and hatred are nothing new to humanity. I think we each have a choice in our own time of how we deal with it. We can chose to stand against it and act out of love to our neighbors, no matter where we love. Good points though…thank you.

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