Brush Strokes

brush strokes
press wet color
onto open surface
thirsty canvas sips the pigment
as liquid hue drips from the long bristles
painting in living color, thick
intoxicating drink
through sinuous
brush strokes


Words and Photography ©2018 Tanya Cliff ~ to contact me

Entry posted in poetry & Rictameter Verse.

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42 thoughts on “Brush Strokes

  1. Those colours make me smile and I can almost hear the paint being absorbed by the paper, I’m left with a desire to let my fingers wander through that beautiful mess!

  2. Incredible ‘Rictameter’ poem! The personification of the “canvas sipping the pigment” and the other literary devices used throughout make these 9 lines a beautiful world of their own. It truly depicts painting in a light only painters can envision.

    I recently attempted a ‘Rictameter’ poem of my own. I’d love it if you would go over it and leave me some tips on how to improve. Thank you so much!

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