
gentle drop down
the sole flight of spent leaf
cut off from life-sustaining tree
spinning freely, wind-tossed, euphoric flight
lands among the ground’s dead fodder
fuel the tree roots tap
autumn’s leaves are


Words and Photography ©2017 Tanya Cliff ~ to contact me

Entry posted in poetry & Rictameter Verse. Bookmark the permalink.

22 thoughts on “Falling

    1. I see different interpretations, but, at its most basic, it is just a reflection on the cycle of seasons or experiences in life. The old leaf dies and falls to the ground. Then it decays to become part of the earth that will ultimately feed new growth on the tree. If the tree clung to all its dead leaves, it would die also. But the old leaves aren’t wasted. They become fuel for new growth. Nature wastes nothing. I hope that helps. Thanks for commenting. 😊

  1. Beautifully written,dear tanya!! I think dt the drop which is fallen from a leaf ,a drop of tear coz of departing from its tree. Nobody wants to apart from his beloved.m i right?but it is eternal truth of every life.

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