A Marauder’s Sleep

I sleep
a down pillow
anchors my weary head
while thoughts soar wildly unbounded
and sail on clouds, stealing the dark night’s gems
this pirate plunders the heavens
and burns stars into dreams
I sleep


Words and Photography ©2017 Tanya Cliff ~ to contact me

Entry posted in poetry & Rictameter Verse. Bookmark the permalink.


from verdant bud
petals’ shy revealing
blushing at the sun’s warm kisses
the hidden nectar, a sweet seduction
to hungry dance of birds and bees
sensuous, you make seed
so new life may


Words and Photography ©2017 Tanya Cliff ~ to contact me

Entry posted in poetry & Rictameter Verse. Bookmark the permalink.


Please check out Linda J. Wollf’s  explanation and example of Rictameter Verse:
